In 1972 there were two improbably numbered (1A and 1B) issues of a FLASH GORDON fanzine called HERITAGE. Among the folks involved with this first class publication were Bruce Hershenson (later publisher of the East Coast Comix EC reprints), Doug Murray (later a comics writer and, I believe, involved with the Creation conventions) and Larry Ivie (legendary fan and publisher of MONSTERS & HEROES magazine). The quality and influence of the FLASH GORDON comic strip had kept it in the collective minds of fandom all along but during this period the television release of all three of the Buster Crabbe movie serials undoubtedly fueled the demand for this sort of thing. I do not have nor have I ever even seen a copy of volume 1A. The only thing I understand to be in it is SMASH GORDON by Frank Brunner which I’m pretty sure also appeared in THE MONSTER TIMES. An index to both volumes published in B also cites work by Frazetta, Kaluta and Jeff Jones.
What I do have, though, is the wonderful second volume, topped by an incredibly beautiful painted cover by the strip’s greatest fan, Al Williamson, done in collaboration with Gray Morrow (and possibly Roy Krenkel)! The back cover is yet another Wally Wood piece

Perhaps the most fascinating pieces are those of Mr. Adams

The inside front cover clearly indicates that more issues and/or spin-offs (Heritage Spotlight) were intended but to the best of my knowledge, this/these were the only issues.
Steve, that Neal Adams Burroughs/Gordon piece along with a couple of other similar pieces first appeared in NEAL ADAMS TREASURY VOL. 1. I believe there is an explanation about what they were for. I can't remember, so I'll check my copy tonight and let you know.