Nothing says late sixties/early seventies like Peter Max. It looked like I was going to have a chance to meet the great but controversial pop artist a few years ago when the bookstore where I was working was asked to obtain copies of his then-recent coffee table art book for an appearance at a local art gallery. I volunteered to deliver them. Negotiations broke down, however, when the gallery found out they could bypass the bookstore and get a better discount directly from the publisher. Sigh.
I the fifth grade, though, in 1969, I was the envy of my little classmates because of my Peter Max 3 ring binder! No, I don't have it anymore although I did until the great notebook purge of the early 1990's (in which the thirty or so binders I had with old comics in them got too heavy to lug around so I took out the comics and threw away the notebooks). When I ran across this colorful 1970 ad for the Peter Max FUNBRELLA recently, it all came back to me.
Nice! With the binder and all, Peter Max was sorta like the Lisa Frank of the '60s!