Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pistols 'N' Petticoats Theme-1966

Here's the opening for a short-lived TV series I really enjoyed way back in that wonderful year of 1966, PISTOLS 'N' PETTICOATS. The ill-fated Western sitcom was meant to serve as a vehicle for former Warner Brothers "Oomph Girl," Ann Sheridan, but the actress failed to disclose just how ill she was with cancer and died before the end of the show's first and then only season.

The premise dealt with an Old West family known for being the best shots around--the Grandfather, the Grandmother, the Daughter (Sheridan) and the Granddaughter. The daughter was played by pretty but relatively generic Carole Wells but the grandparents offered my initial introduction to the great character actors Douglas V. Fowley (nowhere near as aged as he played here) and the delightful Ruth McDevitt. Charismatic McHALE'S NAVY alumnus Gary Vinson (later a real-life victim of suicide) rounded out the regular cast as the sheriff.

If you've never seen the series, a few rare episodes are online here: Thanks, LJ.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:04 AM

    how can one be a victim of suicide?
    "poor bill was just walking down the street and suicide ran him over"? "jane was only 40 when she caught a bad case of suicide?" "three men were killed today when suicide shot up a local mcdonalds"?
