Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Vampirella Letter

Previously we ran my letter written at age 9 and published in ADVENTURE COMICS. Then I found the letter I had in LOIS LANE when I was 12. Now, at the wizened old age of 13, we have my "anonymous" letter to VAMPIRELLA. I had decided I was going to become a famous LoC writer in the way that The Mad Maple and Uncle Elvis Orten would later on! Thus I became...STARBLAZER! Note that it was years before the STARBLAZERS TV series, too. After this I wrote a few more Starblazer letters but none were ever published. As I recall, my last letter--which thankfully went unpublished--was to DC's FREEDOM FIGHTERS in the late seventies complaining about the decline in Jack Abel's inking. I was later embarrassed to hear he had, in fact, had a stroke.

For the record, someone at Warren added the last line in my letter about their then-upcoming reprint of the Spanish DRACULA volumes. I wasn't that interested and, in fact, never got a copy.


  1. The Mad Maple and Elvis Orten! haven't heard those names in a long time. Always looked forward to their letters and a few others way back when.
    Lost art the Letter's Page.

  2. Anonymous1:54 AM

    who is dracula?

  3. What a great letter for a 13 year old. I love your observations on sex and the Code! Wise words!
