But when an old, old friend called me up and invited me to a
taping of Kevin Smith’s podcast, JAY & SILENT BOB GET OLD—his treat—I took
him up on it.
Kevin Smith first popped up on my radar when CHASING AMY
arrived on cable circa 1998. Being the geek I am, I relished it as a true
product of geekdom. One of my favorite parts—or two I suppose--was Jay and
Silent Bob, two characters played respectively by Jason Mewes and Smith
himself. They were shady characters whom I would learn soon enough served
almost as Smith’s Hitchcockian cameo in most of his films, street-corner drug
dealers with hearts of gold. Bob didn’t speak…much. Jay, on the other hand, let
loose with a brain-dead streak of creative profanity and scatological idioms.
They became so popular that they were given major roles in
what must pass for Smith’s cinematic masterpiece so far, DOGMA. An attempt at a
starring vehicle in JAY & SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK wasn’t nearly as
successful but certainly had some fun moments.
In real life, Kevin the comparatively intellectual
multi-talented filmmaker, author, screenwriter, comic book creator, lecturer,
actor and comic shop owner was best of friends with Mewes, the stoner…but in
real life, Mewes’ drug issues weren’t funny at all.
Which brings us to JAY AND SILENT BOB GET OLD, a weekly
podcast devised by Smith as a way of keeping his best friend alive by keeping
him out there both enjoying the adulation of fans and talking about his issues
very publicly. As he puts it, the whole show is a creative form of an
As such, kudos to both men. As a show, however, JAY &
SILENT BOB GET OLD leaves much to be desired.

Oddly enough, the theater, which had stopped showing movies
in the mid-eighties and sat idle for many years, hadn’t changed all that
much. It reopened for small-scale
rock concerts and dancing a few years back now but I hadn’t been there since
REVENGE OF THE CHEERLEADERS more than thirty years ago.
One of the problems with the fact that it hadn’t changed
much was that there were few good seats. Unlike most theaters that have a steep
slant so the folks in back can see better, the Madison never did and still
One of the ways it HAS changed is that the whole front
section is now a bar. The lines were literally curled down the block and around
the corner when I arrived but the doors opened and 8 and all were quickly
admitted. The show, however, started nearly 25 minutes past its announced 9 PM
starting time and, in the meantime, the bulk of the audience had gotten
themselves pretty well soused.
Finally, out come Smith and Mewes to cheers and hoots and a
standing ovation befitting the sort of rock stars they are. The sound system
was quite good but I still had trouble hearing much of the show thanks to a
drunken lady in our row who randomly yelled out and chortled an ear-numbing
chortle whenever someone on stage said a dirty word.
And there were lots of dirty words. Some of you may recall
my stance on being dirty for laughs: I don’t care how dirty, gross or
inappropriate it is, as long as it’s funny. Much of Jason Mewes’ dirty talk was
just that—dirty, but unfunny. Oh, he hit a few moments here and there as when
describing trying to feed deer he had seen the night before when he and Smith were
staying in Columbus, Ohio.
Smith, on the other hand, uses profanity creatively both in
conversation as well as in his humor. He was quick to point out that those
unfamiliar with the show who expected to actually see the pair in character
were undoubtedly confused as to why the fat guy was doing so much of the
He told a mostly hilarious story of where they had stayed
the night before—at a house used by the local Swingers Club in Columbus. He
read tweets from folks in the audience that he had received prior to the show
and even invited one very excited man up on stage to see where he had gotten an
inspirational quote from Smith’s most recent book tattooed on his arm.
Jason talked about masturbating and also about having sex.
Kevin pointed out the irony in performing his intervention
before drunken crowds like ours and we celebrated 2 years and 51 days of Jay’s
sobriety. Smith also wrote an impromptu song for the wife of someone who had
tweeted him about his own sobriety issues. The audience all sang along…loudly,
drunkenly and off-key but it’s the thought that counts.
Mewes was given the floor for a cautionary tale from his
drug abuse days, a scary/creepy story which had, for him at the time, become
his norm.

Was it a good show? Yes and no. I don’t have to be stoned in
order to enjoy Gilbert Shelton’s FREAK BROTHERS or even Smith’s movies…but I
think the alcohol definitely enhanced this show for those who indulged.
Kevin Smith has proven himself to be a clever and funny
raconteur on stage, on film and in his various podcasts. He can talk endlessly
and creatively about just about anything and even his serious discussions can
be funny. This wasn’t his best night. Jason Mewes, God love him, is a good guy
who tries hard. I hope for his sake and Kevin’s that he makes it. He and Smith
make a good team…with a script where he’s using Kevin’s words.
I have to give thumbs down to the good old Madison, though,
at least for this type of show. It was nice seeing the place again for a few
moments but I can’t foresee any situation that could lure me back. As I said, I don't get out much anymore. When I did get out on a more regular basis, being in an altered stage of consciousness wasn't an actual requirement for enjoying a show.
The episode of JAY & SILENT BOB GET OLD they recorded last night should be on in a
couple of weeks at: http://smodcast.com/channels/jay-silent-bob-get-old/.
good review there, chum. I used to be a big fan of Jay & Silent Bob. both Dogma and Mallrats can still make me laugh, like a drain. but I never got on with any of the podcasts, or the "evening with" shows. maybe I'm too old to get the joke. or maybe I don't drink enough beer ( & I drinks a lot of beer, Steve ). still, I guess I'll give GET OLD a go. for old time's sake, 'ey?