ITALIAN SLOW COOKING is a celebration of the upcoming cookbook of the same name by former USA TODAY Food Editor Ellen Brown, to be released in early April. (That's the book--not Ms. Brown.)
I dearly love Italian cuisine and wish I could afford to eat at Olive Garden more than once every few years but this book is about how one can duplicate those same delicious flavors right at home. On the blog, we'll be exploring Italian cooking from all angles as well as spotlighting some recipes and tips from the book. We even went out and purchased an inexpensive slow cooker the other day so we can try some of the recipes first hand and report unbiased reviews on how they are.
So if you, too, love Italian food, please check out our newest blog and tell your friends. It's definitely something different from booksteve!
If you're already sold just by Ellen Brown's reputation, ITALIAN SLOW COOKING can be pre-ordered through the link here at the bottom of the page.
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