NOTE: I should note that this piece is, of course, fan-fic and not intended in any way to infringe on the rights of the CHEERS copyright holders.
Episode: Way Out
On a Limb
By Steven Thompson
Teaser: Open on bar
set with all regulars present
Carla (busily serving
drinks): Sam, ya gotta DO somethin’! Blondie’s going on the half hour mark
of her 10 minute break and I don’t want it to start a trend!
Sam: Okay, Carla. (Turning,
he yells) Diane! Get your behind out here!
Diane (Enters
engrossed in a book): Mmm?
Sam: Diane!
Diane: Oh, I am SO sorry, darling, but this book is just so
fascinating I couldn’t put it down!
Sam: Are you still reading that book by that crazy actress
about reincarnation and past lives and all that bull?
Diane: Sam...!
Cliff: Now, now, Sammy. You know, modern science has proven
that reincarnation simply cannot be ignored as a very realistic possibility.
Eight out of ten behavioral psychologists attest to the fact that subjects
under hypnosis can recall details of previous lives.
Diane: You see! There!
Carla: See what? TEN out of ten psychologists’ll tell ya
that “Mr. Expert” here doesn’t know what the heck he’s talkin’ about!
Diane: Dear, dear Carla. At least I’m certain that the rest
of us were HUMAN in our past lives. It wouldn’t surprise me at all to find YOU
were a paramecium! (Exits to back room)
Carla: (In Diane’s
direction) Hah! (Pauses. Looks to Sam
and Woody) A pair’a what? (They both
shrug) (Scene fades)
Fade in on bar set.
Time is later. Diane is now sitting at the bar reading the same book during a
slow period. Frasier and Norm are also seated next to her at the bar. Sam is
behind the counter.
Frasier: Yes, Diane, it IS true. I’ve read of a number of
individual cases where past lives can be traced and, in fact, connected to a distinct
pattern. For instance, if one is a great leader in one life, one will most
likely be a great leader in the next life and so on and so forth. By contrast,
a man who is a failure in one life may attempt to better himself in his next
life but will inevitably become a failure yet again due to the unbreakable
chain of fate.
Diane: That’s absolutely fascinating, Frasier!
Frasier: I suppose it is...if you’re gullible enough to buy
into all that nonsense!
Diane: (Lost in
thought) In other words...there’s a very real chance that my great love for
Sam began in an earlier incarnation and that we are eternal lovers bound
together in joy and happiness throughout all time!
Frasier: Well...something like that, I suppose.
Sam: (Shuddering)
Brrrr! (Diane looks sternly at him) Uh...Did anyone feel that chill in
here? Woody, I thought I asked you to close that door.
Woody: (perplexed)
No, I don’t think so, Sam. You asked me to take out the garbage and to mop the
floor but...
Sam: (walking over and
patting him on the shoulder) Right. That’s fine, Woody. Don’t worry about
Diane: I believe Sam was attempting to be amusing. But think
of it, Sam! I’m convinced now that our love has spanned the vast centuries!
Perhaps I was Josephine to your Napoleon or you were Marc Antony to my
Carla: (entering from
the back) Or perhaps Sam was Timmy to your Lassie.
Frasier: Diane, if you’re truly interested in following up
on this, I can set you up with a hypnotherapist friend of mine here in town who
specializes in regressing his patients.
Diane: Oh, my dear Frasier, would you? That would be
Sam: Don’t encourage her! I thought you said this was all
Frasier: Of course it is but it’s Diane’s money after all
and besides, I get a hefty referral fee.
Diane: (pleadingly)
Oh, darling, come with me! Please, please, please! We’ve been presented here
with a unique opportunity to find out the truth about our meager little lives.
To be able to know that we’re meant to be together! That we’ve been together
before and we’ll be together throughout eternity! It’s the ultimate dream come
Norm: Uh-oh.
Sam: Somethin’ the matter Norm?
Norm: Vera and me. Together for a thousand lifetimes. It’s
the ultimate NIGHTMARE!
Sam: (to Diane)
Look, I’m just a simple, down-to-earth guy. I believe what I can see. I mean,
if we’ve all been here so many times already, how come we keep making the same
stupid mistakes over and over again?
Carla: Yeah, like gettin’ mixed up with HER!
Sam: I don’t know if...
Diane: (Interrupting)
I will make a deal with you. If you’ll agree to come along with me to one
session and maintain an open mind, I promise to retain a degree of skepticism
and to forget the entire subject if the results prove unrewarding.
Sam: I don’t know, I...
Norm: Sounds fair ta me, Sammy.
Carla: Just get it over with so she’ll get back to work
Sam: Well...okay. (To Frasier) Where do we find this quack?
(Diane nudges him hard) Ow! Doctor! I
meant doctor.
Cut to doctor’s
office, very plush and ritzy. Sam and Diane are seated in the crowded waiting
Sam: (whispering)
I don’t believe this. This guy must really be making a killing since that book
came out.
Diane: (Leans on his
shoulder) Isn’t it thrilling? I’m so glad you came with me!
Sam (glancing at a
painting on the corner wall) Picasso? Diane, that painting is signed
Diane: Oh, dear, naive Sam. That’s just a Picasso print—an
inexpensive copy.
An older woman sitting
on the other side of Diane taps her on the shoulder
Woman: Excuse me. Haven’t we met before? You look so
Diane: No, I don’t believe so.
Woman: Now I remember! It was Paris in 1803, wasn’t it?
Diane: (excitedly to
Sam) Did you hear that!!??
Sam: Don’t encourage her. She’s nuts.
Diane: (turning to
woman) Who was I? Who were you? Do you remember?
Woman: Oh, yes. I’ll never forget it. I was a young soldier just off the
farm. It was my first time in the city and you...you were the one who, sall we
say, taught me the ways of the world!
Diane: (Shocked)
Woman: And you only charged me 5 francs!
Diane: You...I...Change places with me, Sam.
Sam: I told you not to encourage her.
Receptionist: Mr. Malone? Miss Chambers? Dr. Murphy will see
you now.
They enter and greet
the doctor. Picture Richard Libertini as Dr. Murphy.
Doctor: Yes, I’ve really been making a killing since that
book came out.
Diane: My fiancé was just admiring your Picasso print.
Doctor: Picasso print? Oh! That’s not a print. That’s a real
Picasso. I’ve REALLY been making a killing since that book came out. Anyway,
Dr. Crane tells me that You, Miss Chambers, would like to find out details of
your former lives.
Diane: Yes. Very much so.
Doctor: Well, let me explain up front that this is far from
being an exact science. In fact, all I can do is to put you into a hypnotic
trance and try to move you backwards past your birth and into a previous
incarnation. By the very nature of hypnosis, however, it’s possible that your
subconscious may misinterpret my hypnotic suggestions as memories. Most people
who see themselves in past lives as famous people or historical figures are
just revealing hidden fantasies, for example.
Sam: So what are you saying? You can’t really regress people
at all?
Doctor: Oh, no, Mr. Malone. A significant percentage of my
subjects DO appear to recall in great detail incidents that they could not
possibly have come into contact with, even on a subconscious level.
Sam: Uh-huh.
Doctor. Not everyone can be George Washington in a former
life. Thus, the odds are that if
you see yourself as George Washington, it is just a reflection of your own
psychological desires rather than an actual regression.
Diane: (impatiently)
Doctor, I’m so anxious! Can we get started?
Doctor: In order for the hypnosis to work, the subject must
be in a tranquil state.
Diane: (Composing herself
and breathing deeply) All right then...Zen.
Doctor: Sit here, Mr. Malone. Miss Chambers, you get to sit
back in this big comfy chair. Mr. Malone, I’m glad you’re here. I always like
to have a witness the first time I put a patient under to ensure that no
trickery is involved. (Turns to Diane)
(Begins speaking in monotone) Close
your eyes, Miss Chambers. Relax. Think of pure white space...total
blankness...Just let your mind slip away...
Diane: (looking up)
Should I count backwards from 100?
Doctor: If you like.
Diane: (smiling)
Okay then. One hundred, ninety-nine, ninety-eight...
Cut to some time later
Diane: ...fourteen...thirteen...
Doctor: Yes? And what comes after thirteen? (No response) She’s under.
Sam: Finally. It only took three countdowns.
Doctor: (To Sam)
Shhh! (To Diane) Miss Chambers, can
you hear me?
Diane: Of course.
Doctor. Good! We’re starting on a journey, Miss Chambers. I
want you to go back...back through your life...back to your childhood.
Diane: (Suddenly
Sam: What’s the matter?
Doctor: (calmly)
Don’t worry. This always happens when we pass through an unhappy childhood.
Sam: She always told me she had a GREAT childhood.
Doctor: Miss Chambers?
Diane: Yes?
Doctor: How old are you now?
Diane: (in a high
pitched voice) I’m fwee years old.
Doctor: And...now?
Diane: I’m...everything’s black. Everything’s gone.
Doctor: Stay calm. Everything is fine. You’re calm. Keep
moving backwards until you see a light. Look for the light.
Diane: I...I see it. I see the light.
Doctor: Go to the light. Go to the light and then look
around. Tell us who and where you are.
Sam: Doc, you mean she...?
Doctor: I think so. When they see a light this far back, it
often means they have stepped into a previous existence. Miss Chambers?
Diane: Yes?
Doctor: Who...are...you?
Dissolve to Diane’s vision. We see a Civil war era ballroom
with a military dance in progress. Diane begins to describe in voiceover.
Diane: I’m...I’m Elizabeth Cannon. It’s Washington, DC,
1864. I’m dancing with Major Thomas Cabot Holfield of the Union Army. (We see Sam with a mustache as the Major)
Major: You dance divinely, my dear. As always.
Elizabeth: Why, thank you, kind sir. Would that this awful,
awful war were over and we could but dance the night away without care.
Major: Ah, but that’s not the case. In point of fact, I must
soon take my leave from your company. By tomorrow’s first light, my regiment
must be ready for the long travel to...well, I shan’t burden you with the knowledge
of our destination.
Diane: And, of course, I didn’t care to know it as I closed
my eyes and hugged him tightly in the dance.
Elizabeth: (Not doing
as the voiceover described at all) Oh, but Major, it would be no burden. In
truth, if I but knew of your destination, I could pray for you and all your
Major: Why, what a sweet thought. For you, then...(He whispers in her ear)
Diane: I knew then that I had found my one true love and
that I would never leave him in my heart or push him away.
Elizabeth: (Abruptly
pushing the Major away) Excuse me. I’ve got to...well...err...I’ll return
shortly. (She goes outside quickly)
The Major wanders off
the dance floor toward a window where he sees Elizabeth outside near a bush conferring
with a man in a Confederate uniform. He runs out and confronts her.
Major: SO! This is why my regiment has been attacked on its
last three “secret” missions! Each time there was a ball and each time YOU
tricked me into revealing our destination!
Elizabeth: (Now with a
Southern drawl) You, sir, have just made a tragic mistake! You have often
aided the Confederate cause mightily, however, and for that we give you our
thanks. Beauregard, do your duty! (The
spy shoots the Major and he and Elizabeth run off).
Diane: No, no, no! It can’t be! That wouldn’t...Just...NO!
Sam: Doc, do something! She’s freaking out more than normal!
Doctor: (flustered)
Of course, of course. Miss Chambers, remember that you are calm.
Caaaalm....Very quickly now, go further back...past this life...further...further...Look
for another light, Miss Chambers. Look for another light.
Cut to some time
Doctor: I can’t believe it. I simply can’t believe it. We’ve
heard instance after instance of Miss Chambers living in prior lifetimes all
connected with what she, at least, perceives as previous incarnations of YOU,
Mr. Malone.
Sam: Yeah, but not exactly the “eternal lovers” she was
hoping for, though. I mean... She’s shot me twice, poisoned me once, drove me
to commit hari-kari and to be hung as a traitor during the American
Revolution...by the British!
Doctor: And then this last one!
Sam: Samson and Delilah! You know, she told me just the
other day I needed a trim but...Doc, this stuff is ridiculous! You said
yourself it was hardly an exact science!
Diane: Oh...ohhh...
Doctor: Listen! She seems to have come up on yet another
lifetime. Miss Chambers. Where are you this time?
Diane: I...I don’t want to know...
Doctor: Please, Miss Chambers. We’ve come this far. Just one
more. Tell us where you are.
Diane: I...I see a beautiful day. Flowers. Flowers
everywhere! It...It’s a garden. I’m in a garden of some type. (She giggles)
Doctor: What do you see?
Diane: It’s a man coming toward me...and he’s...he’s...
Doctor: Yes?
Diane: He’s naked. (She
giggles again) Oh, no.
Doctor: What? What is it?
Sam: Diane?
Diane: I see myself now and I’m naked as well. And I’m
offering him a piece of fruit. I’m...I’M EVE! (She screams and slumps over in chair.)
Sam: Bring her out of it! (The doctor works on bringing her around.)
Doctor: Mr. Malone, do you understand what this means?! This
is incredible. If we can substantiate these reincarnations and attempt some
trance channeling, this woman could change our very perception of history!
Sam: Oh, come on! Eve? EVE!!?? You told us if they imagined
themselves as famous people that it was just their fantasies or somethin’. And
I assure you it’s just LIKE Diane to imagine herself as Eve.
Diane: (Groggily)
Sam...? Oh, Sam, I was so wrong! I’m so sorry! Throughout all my past lives
I’ve caused you nothing but heartache and tragedy!
Sam: You don’t believe alla this...
Diane: I could never marry you knowing that it would only
lead to your misfortune. I...I love you too much.
She rises and runs out of the office. Sam and the Doctor
look at each other and the Doctor runs out after Diane
Doctor. Miss Chambers, wait! Diane! This could be the most important
scientific discovery in history. I love you! I love your mind! Your minds!
Marry ME!
Sam (Standing
slack-jawed) Diane...?
Scene fades
Fade in on bar set
with the words “two months later” superimposed. Carla, Woody and Norm are
present. Cliff enters.
Sam: Hey, Cliff, how ya doin’?
Cliff: I’m here in my official capacity today, Sammy. Got a
letter for ya.
Sam: A letter. Who do I know that can write?
Carla: (grabbing it as
Cliff hands it to Sam) Oh, no. It’s from HER!
Sam: Carla, give me the letter.
Carla: Woody! Catch! (She
tosses the letter and Woody catches it.)
Woody: Thanks, Carla. Here, Sam. (Hands to Sam)
Carla: You knobhead! The object was to keep it away from
him! It’s from HER!
Woody: Oh! I’m sorry, Carla. I never was good at these
Sam tears open the
letter. We hear Diane in voiceover as he reads it silently.
Diane: Dearest Sam: My life without you is a struggle of
course but Dr. Murphy—Jonathan—is helping in every way possible. Last week he
got an offer to appear on DONAHUE next month when his book comes out. Jonathan
says that I’m the most fascinating woman he has ever met. Last weekend we spent
some time together in the 14th century. You know what I mean.
Anyway, I’m just writing to apologize for my abrupt departure from your life.
That first time was a revelation. Suddenly I knew that leaving you was the only
way to ever defeat the curse that had caused you so much pain and suffering
through the centuries. Jonathan is coaching me now in creating a new life. He
asks me to marry him but I don’t know. Perhaps if the book gets good reviews.
Well, I’ll sign off now, Sam. Please think kindly of me. Very truly yours,
Carla: Don’t do it, Sam!
Sam: Hm?
Carla: I know she wants you to come running back to her but
don’t do it I tell ya!
Sam: (Crumples up
letter and drops in trashcan) Ya know, you’re right, Carla! I’ll never see
that screwed-up broad again. (He sniffs and brushes at a possible tear) Hey!
Drinks are on the house, everybody!
Norm: What’s the occasion? Not that I care.
Sam: No occasion, Norm. Just glad to be here with alla my
pals. (Woody comes walking by and Sam hugs him)
Excellent script, Pal!'
ReplyDeleteIt would have worked very well!
Ed Rudy