The problem with most humor mags is that they aren't funny. I realize that what's funny to one person is not necessarily funny to another but in this case I literally mean that they simply aren't funny! This explains why only a handful of the hundred or so magazines that have tried to duplicate MAD over the years have attained any kind of success at all. There was a time when my Library had a rather extensive collection of humor magazines-MAD, PANIC, CRAZY, INSANE, RIOT, UP YOUR NOSE AND OUT YOUR EAR (I'm serious!) but they were painful to look it so most of them were sold off to comic shops as dollar box fodder. One that we kept was WILD. WILD was a 1968 "hip" humor mag put out by Dell, the people who had previously brought you Walt Kelly and Carl Barks. Here you have Chic Stone, Jose Delbo, Henry Scarpelli and the ever-popular Tony Tallarico illustrating spoofs of the Smothers Brothers

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