Okay, Christmas is over for another year but that's no reason to pack away the Christmas Spirit...or in this case, THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT, this 1994 Kitchen Sink compilation of the late Will Eisner's holiday stories.

Eisner was one of the greats we lost in 2005. His SPIRIT was not really a well-rounded character, acting often simply as a conscience for the stories Eisner really wanted to tell. At his best, the Master turned out exquisitely drawn (even when he used assistants) eight page morality tales. Even though he was Jewish, the annual Christmas Spirit tales were usually among the best comic book or strip embodiments of the true meanings of the holiday. In all of the talk on the blogs of great Christmas stories, I haven't seen anyone mention these so I felt I should. Once you read these stories, reproduced in this volume from the original newspaper printings, you'll want to keep THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT handy all year 'round...and that's not a bad thing at all.
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