Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Monkees Crazy Cartoon Book

Seen at left is THE MONKEES CRAZY CARTOON BOOK, a 1967 paperback from the UK. The strips therein, as seen below, seem to have been from a year earlier as Mike is still called "Wool Hat" which he was only called in the pilot episode.


  1. I had this paperback (American version-- a stocking stuffer circa Xmas, 1966 or '67). I always wondered-- who did the art? It looks vaguely familiar, but I can't quite pinpoint who it is! Anyone know?

  2. Sorry. I should have noted that the book said it was by Gene Fawcette.

  3. Wasn't the American version called "Monkees Go Mod"? (see photos of two different versions of that book http://www.flickr.com/photos/jonknutson/2112110288/in/set-72157602438648397 and http://www.flickr.com/photos/jonknutson/2112114970/in/set-72157602438648397 . I was under the impression that it was reprints from the Dell comic, but this definitely looks like it was done just for the book!

  4. Anonymous1:24 PM

    The American edition (from Popular Library, 1966) was simply titled THE MONKEES (by Gene Fawcette and Howard Liss) and was all-new for the paperback. This book was followed by at least three others - LOVE LETTERS TO THE MONKEES by Bill Adler with art by Jack Davis(!), THE MONKEES GO MOD (with comics by Bill Kresse) and THE MONKEES GO APE (by Bill Adler), a tie in to their movie, HEAD.

  5. I always assumed it was someone like Torres or Dave Berg doing a different style. Very cool that I now have a name for the Artist! Thanx!
