I know a lot of you enjoy my BRITTANY ROSE & ME photography site so maybe you can help out here. One of MY personal favorite photographers is a young lady from upper Ohio named Anna Ásfríðr whom I met through FACEBOOK. You see half a dozen samples of her work here (with her permission). Anna is obsessed with photography as an art form! Her work can be found on FACEBOOK and also on DEVIANT ART. She may be young but she has a sharp eye for design, color, artistic quality and a great affinity for her models...including herself. (Thevery photogenic model with the glasses is Anna).
In this economy, Anna is trying to make her own way by transforming her art into her vocation. The problem is that within the past week, her camera completely and utterly died. Not the batteries--the camera!
A Camera Replacement Fund has been set up and donations are being accepted...slowly. In the meantime this truly talented artist is losing her mind with boredom and having to cancel planned shoots!
Anna has generously offered to do a small amount of free commission work (within reason) for contributors. Certainly there are worthier causes in today's society but the way things are these days, we all need to stick together. So if you like good photography or just cute models, there will be a lot more from Anna but only IF she can get enough to replace her camera. If you can, please consider contributing.
On behalf of myself and Anna, thanks!
Please mention Booksteve's Library if you contribute.
The paypal address is
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