Thursday, December 04, 2008

Phil Harris, Alice Faye and Captain Marvel

Always enjoy seeing celebrities reading comics. Here we have Phil Harris, legendary outdoorsman, drinker, cartoon voice, recording artist, bandleader, actor and JACK BENNY cast member, sneaking a WHIZ (pardon the expression) inside a copy of ROGET'S THESAURUS, apparently much to the dismay of his wife, the equally legendary musical comedy star, Miss Alice Faye.


  1. Great photo! I'm wondering if this was done as PR for Harris and Faye's own radio show.

  2. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Love the Harris/Faye radio show!
    Well written with a great cast...
    And Phil Harris played a not-too-smart, trouble-prone bandleader who
    was fond of a drink and carousing
    with his musicians, but you also
    totally believed that he was lovingly devoted to his wife and kids! Nice balancing act!

    Doo wah ditty Sam Kujava
