In yesterday's post, friend and ace researcher Derek Tague mentioned his buddy Dan Hollis. Here's Dan today with more guest reminiscences on THE BANANA SPLITS at their 40th anniversary. Check out the links to Dan's terrific site also (which I would've plugged before but JUST now discovered!). Here's Dan Hollis:
I was born in 1968, the same year the Banana Splits Show premiered --so that is pretty awesome in its own right. That would mean I started watching the re-runs. pretty early on, of our beloved furry pals. Matter of fact, the Banana Splits (along with Speed Racer, The Wonderful World of Disney, The Abbott and Costello Cartoon, Bozo the Clown and Sesame Street) are the very first kids shows that I can actually recall ever viewing at around age 3 and half. I even remember going to a well-known (at that time) ice cream parlor in Michigan (where I once lived) called Farrells Ice Cream...and seeing many "pictures" of Fleegle, Bingo, Drooper and Snorky on the wall as you walked in. Apparently, they had visited Farrells at some point. That was just amazing to me! Dare I say it...I'm sure everyone in attendance that day had 'Banana Splits' (yuck...yuck...yuck)...The Banana Splits became quick favorites of mine. I would instantly light up when the show would come on. The accompanying cartoons (Squiddly Diddly, Secret Squirrel and Morocco Mole, Winsome Witch, the Hillbilly Bears, Atom Ant, Precious Pup, the Microventures, the Adventures of Gulliver, the Arabian Knights, the Three Musketeers) were all truly awesome as was Danger Island and the New Adventures of Huck Finn. However, it was when our heroes, the Splits themselves, would grace the tv screen -- that it was like witnessing something magical in the universe. When the opening theme to the show would come on, I would get goose bumps. (Heck, my goose bumps got goose bumps). Thinking about the Banana Splits today at my current Jack Benny age of 39 is to instantly transport myself back to those wonderful, magical childhood years of innocence and of no major responsibilities. Some of my favorite memories of all, involve my families' magical (okay, so I love that word a lot ) trips to Boston to see my grandparents. The journey there from New Jersey, my grandparents, my relatives--just perfect times. And then there was getting up early on Saturday morning to tune in to re-runs of Underdog, Superman and of course, the Banana Splits on the wonderful channels 38 and 56 out of Boston (long before cable). Not only was I watching my favorite show, but it was at my favorite place to be! As I got older and VCRs became prevalent, I eventually taped all of the Splits episodes. I would make tapes chock full of kids show openings way back then as well...all of the stuff I loved and grew up on...and bring my 'tapes' to parties to share with everyone and reminisce. Boy were they a hit. And the biggest cheer was always when the Banana Splits theme came on. As I'm typing here in my office, I can see to my right (and above here also), a wonderful picture of the Splits that my wife Charlene drew for me quite a while back for my birthday. And to my left, there's my Banana Splits vinyl lunch box. So yes, I will always be a true kid at heart.
As you may have just read, my friend Derek has pointed out the amazing discovery of Fleegle's certain 'choice of words' in a particular clip. You can use the below link to a page on my website to see it: http://www.timetravelispossible.com/MyFavoriteThings.html (scroll down some, it's on the left side of the page). (It's on the left, half way down, listed as -- Paul Winchell Interview)
Thanks Steve for including my two cents on what will always be my favorite show as a kid, the Banana Splits. (Note: I always joke with my buddies Derek, Jeff and Chuck that I had 100's of 'favorite shows' growing up, but seriously folks...the Banana Splits is THE ONE that transports me back in time - the most!!) --Dan Hollis 9.6.08