This ABC promo art is from my torn and tattered coverless copy of the much sought after 1966 magazine, SPIES, SPOOFS AND SUPER GUYS. In the accompanying interview with Adam West, the actor is asked how long Batman will last. His answer: "It lasts about half an hour every Wednesday and Thursday." He continued

with "How long have comic books lasted? Of course, I don't think I can make it for thirty years. ...It's such a tough thing in this business. How long will the Beatles last for instance?" When asked what Batman has that Superman hasn't, West replies "Please, sir! I can do anything that any normal man can do. Superman is super and I'm just one of nature's noblemen." He then adds, "I think I read something in the comics where Superman met Batman and there was this tremendous battle of the behemoths and I don't know who won. I hope that it wasn't Superman. It makes me just a little nervous thinking about it." Finally, when the interviewer broaches the subject of possible type-casting, West naively responds that "With the multi-leveled nature of our show, I don't think I'll have any problem. Audiences are much more sophisticated today. If I have to I'll grow a moustache."
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