Saturday, September 21, 2024

Pop Culture Retro Sets Sail

SET SAIL WITH McHALE has been out since late April. My co-author, Denny Reese, and I have recently started appearing on podcasts to discuss the book and the TV show, McHALE'S NAVY. Our most recent appearance--actually recorded in July--went up this week in both audio and video versions. 

 This was POP CULTURE RETRO, Jonathan Rosen's wonderful podcast, currently with co-host Moosie Drier. Moosie was a child actor I used to see on everything from ROWAN & MARTIN'S LAUGH-IN to OH, GOD! with George Burns. He's also an impressive interviewer and it was a delight for us to appear on the show.

If you're the visual type, go here. Unless they get it fixed, there's currently a glitch where this version ends 13 minutes early.

If you're an audio-only kind of guy, search any of our favorite podcast sources and you'll find the episode there, UNCUT! Complete with the missing 13 minutes. 

If you're at all intrigued, we'd appreciate it if you'd try our book, available here:

And also our regularly updated Facebook page for the book, which acts as a kind of DVD extra discussing the series and its stars, as well as the folks behind the scenes!

Thanks! Let us know in the comments what you think, please!

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