Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Mid-Atlantic Nostalgia Convention 2007

Haven't seen too much publicity for this Con but it's coming up this weekend. If you're in or around Aberdeen, Maryland Thursday, Friday or Saturday and you're reading this blog then you probably should be there. This is put on by my pal Martin Grams whom I see once a year at the Cincinnati OTR Con. Martin is a surprisingly prolific ( for his young age) author on old TV and radio subjects and is featured along with my own first short story in (here's that shameless plug again) IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN 3. Martin knows everyone or someone who knows everyone and for this second convention of his, BUCK ROGERS' Erin Gray and one of my all-time favorite character actors, Denny Miller, are among those who'll be on-hand. Ace researcher DEREK Tague will be interviewing both of these folks onstage this weekend. Wish I could be there. Here's the website: Mid Atlantic Nostalgia Convention, 2007. Check out the long career of former Tarzan Denny Miller, Actor/ Author (seen above in a recent shot) at his own site also!
Hey Martin! Here's an idea! Get Linda Blair next year and I'll find a way to be there no matter what...of course, I get to interview her, not Derek. Deal? See what you can do, okay?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Glen Mullaly said...

    If I lived in the area I'd definitely have been there. As a big fan of OTR and Ed Walker's "The Big Broadcast" (thanks to internet radio) it sounded like fun.
    I know Maryland's not next door but did you go?

    Keep up the great work.

    Glen ( he who comments once a year ) Mullaly

  3. No, I couldn't make it but heard great reports back from folks who did. Denny played Sam Spade onstage in a re-creation of a "lost episode" of that radio series directed by Don Ramlow with whom I've worked at the Cincy Con for twenty years now!Check that link for convention photos as soon as Martin can get them up!

  4. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I attended this convention and it was a soooo much fun! I did see the re-creation of the 'Sam Spade' program at the banquet. Ms. Gray was the main reason I traveled 7 hours to Maryland. I was so nervous meeting her Friday, but finally did it. I wouldn't have missed the chance! I practically stayed at Erin Gray's side on Saturday. lol She is definately the sweetest person! Including her friend that was kind enough to come as well. Everyone there was so nice.
