Well, here it is Halloween and my scanning software has stopped working these last couple days, totally screwing up my planned big finish! While I wait for that spare hour to actually try to repair it, here's my son David photomanipulated into Robin and some links for your surfing enjoyment:
DIAL B for BLOG- An amazing, super-professionally done site with a whole new issue practically every day!
Tony Isabella-Former Marvel/DC writer/editor and current CBG columnist offers more or less daily reviews and interesting insights!
Mike Sterling's Progressive Ruin-Opinionated observations and reviews!
Bubblegumfink- Another amazing site. The content is often similar to mine but much better done!
The Groovy Age of Horror-NSFW but an obsessive site on a little covered era of horror writing and comics, both US and European.
datajunkie- A new fave. Has far too much time on his hands but uses it wisely!
Comic Book Resources - Comic Book News, Reviews and Commentary - Updated Daily!- Art, news, reviews and opinionated columnists. Everything comics fans love!
Superdickery.com-Silver age DC fans will practically die laughing!
On My Mind-My cousin's new blog. Still searching for his niche but check it out.
Supernatural Law- New Wolff and Byrd every Monday and Thursday! Cool!
Bill Bellamy - Official site - Fastlane-My favorite new comic. OK, not THAT kind of comic. Also, he isn't all that new but somehow I'd never heard of him until I saw him on Comedy Central in the middle of the night last week! Funny, confident, impressive! Keep your eyes on this guy!
There's lots of other sites I find myself visiting daily, including especially my three permanant links. Hopefully, I'll get my problem sorted out in the next day or so. In the wings: Linda Blair, The Maze Agency, Plastic Man and the damndest Lana Turner story you will EVER hear!!