The PITTSBURGH PRESS ran these two strips leading up to the debut of SUPERMAN in its pages in 1939.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Friday, October 28, 2016
Monte Markham On Stu's Show
When I was 8 years old, I really enjoyed the brief run of ABC's sitcom, THE SECOND HUNDRED YEARS, about a man frozen in ice years before and resurrected in (then) modern day America. The reason it was so much fun was actor Monte Markham, who played the dual role of the man and his lookalike grandson. This next Wednesday, Markham (who would also later play the New Perry Mason) is scheduled to be on live with Stu Shostak. Looking forward to it. Check here.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
New Book from Chitra Neogy
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Booksteve Reviews: A Vampire in Hollywood by Batton Lash

When I started reading comics, I loved the Silver Age mix of
humor and excitement that one got from comics such as METAL MEN, METAMORPHO, or
even SPIDER-MAN! In time, comics came to be dark and gritty with little to no genuine
character development or humor.
But Batton “gets” it. He groks! More than perhaps any other
creator still working in comics today, Batton Lash manages to put a lot of work
into his comics while still making them feel effortless. He offers up
well-defined characters, a unique setting, enjoyable art and dialogue,
self-contained tales but with an ongoing, consistent back story, amusing Easter
eggs and in-jokes, and even some positive and uplifting morals about acceptance
in our splintered society.
For those of you who have yet to encounter Lash’s
protagonists, Alanna Wolff and Jeff Byrd, they are lawyers. Good ones. They
specialize, however, in cases involving monsters or the supernatural. This
volume, for instance, offers up a vampire trying to make it in pictures, a
werewolf on a TV self-help show, some ghosts running a scare school, a warlock
who brings art to life...literally, and even Troma’s Toxic Avenger!
The latter is my least favorite, relying as it does on one’s
knowledge of a cult figure from several decades back whose popularity just
hasn’t carried on as much as it might initially have seemed it would.
My favorite, though, is the warlock and the hexed paintings
that take on a life of their own and speak for themselves.
Alanna and Jeff, along with Mavis, the World’s Best
Secretary, and a few new hires this time around, become surprising real in the
midst of the rest of the unreality that abounds. A fun background story here
shows efforts to turn the “real” Wolff and Byrd into fictional characters
pigeonholed into the art styles of other comics artists including Frank
Miller’s SIN CITY style.
Bottom line? A VAMPIRE IN HOLLYWOOD offered some of the most
enjoyable experiences I’ve had reading comics in ages. It’s a well-plotted
series with good stories, a little drama, a little horror, a little law, and
just enough humor to tie everything together in one clever and amusing
If you aren’t reading SUPERNATURAL LAW in one form or
another, I really don’t want to hear you complain that they aren’t making good
comic books these days...because they most certainly ARE!
Booksteve Recommends!
Friday, October 21, 2016
Siegel and Shuster in Cincinnati-1942
Siegel and Shuster (misspelled every time in the ads as was often the case) in Cincinnati to promote the Fleischer cartoons in 1942!
Cincinnati's Palace Theater was modernized as the International '70 in the mid-60s but was pretty close to a grindhouse by the time it closed a decade later. I caught a lot of Euro-flicks and re-re-reissued sci-fi and horror films there. The millionaire who lived across the street from me at the time (!) bought it in the late '70s and refurbished it to its original glory, brought back the Palace name, and it ran a few more years with live acts and plays. I saw Bob Newhart, Liza Minnelli, and The Passion of Dracula with Jose Greco there. Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy were scheduled there just weeks after Bergen died so I missed them. The market couldn't support a big downtown theater like that by that point though and the Palace was finally vacated and eventually torn down, replaced by high tech offices.
Super author Brad Ricca tells me the below image has been confirmed as being in Cleveland but it's likely quite similar to their local appearance at the Palace.
And we end with a rare shot of Jerry and Joe smiling rare smiles decades later even after everything they went through.
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Booksteve Reviews: Dashing, Daring, and Debonair by Herbie J Pilato

It was that attitude that recently brought us his book
called GIDGETS, GLAMOUR, AND THE GIRL NEXT DOOR, a delightful and nostalgic
collection of biographical pieces on many of the dream girls of the classic
television era.
Now comes that volume’s corollary, DASHING, DARING, AND
DEBONAIR, TV’S TOP MALE ICONS FROM THE 50s, 60s, and 70s. Here we have 300
pages highlighting the actors who created so many of the characters that
generations have taken to heart as members of their own families.
In fact, the book as a whole comes across like one great big
family reunion in print! Everywhere one looks is a familiar face. Look! Over
there! Hi, Mr. Roarke! Hey, Major Nelson! How’s Jeannie? Oh, and isn’t that
Barnabas Collins talking with Joe Mannix and Perry Mason? And Batman
himself—Adam West—provides the brief but lovely Foreword.
Separated into sections such as “The Doctors, the Defenders,
and the Dependables,” “The Super Men,” and—my favorite chapter title—“Darrins,
Dobies, Dons, and Bobs,” each individual portrait contains a brief bio, a
career overview, some rare or previously unpublished quotes from and/or about
the subject, and a nice little summation of why they were important in TV
If, like me, you live in the past a lot as far as your
entertainment choices, no one here will surprise you. On the other hand, if you
grew up with these performers in perpetual reruns, there may be some here you
haven’t thought about in years. Maybe even a few you had actually wondered
“whatever happened to!”

There are even a few non-actors such as Rod Serling, Gene Roddenberry,
Nat King Cole, and Johnny Carson.
Yes, yes. One can quibble that there are folks such as Jerry
Mathers, Sonny Bono, Robert Young, and Jack Webb who are
neither dashing, daring, nor debonair. But by the time you’re immersed in their
stories, you realize that distinction just doesn’t really matter.
Ultimately, DASHING, DARING, AND DEBONAIR is no less than an
admiring overview of television’s idealized male image and the sometimes less
than ideal real human men who brought those images so memorably into our lives
and our hearts.
As always, Herbie J Pilato writes with a deep affection for the
positive influences of classic TV in DASHING, DARING, AND DEBONAIR without
completely ignoring the negative. Still, when you finishing reading the book, you
may not ever want to watch a current TV series again! Break out those classic DVDs!
Booksteve Recommends!
You can get a personally signed copy (or two! Christmas is closing in fast!) here:
Saturday, October 15, 2016
Sugar Babies-1983
In 1983, at the age of 24, I accompanied my father to a burlesque show. Well...sort of. Broadway hit SUGAR BABIES was touring with its original stars, Mickey Rooney (in what was clearly a triumphant highlight of his later years) and another classic Hollywood musical star, Ann Miller. Ann dropped out on tour, to be replaced by Carol Lawrence, and actress I had never really cared for but whom I adored in this! Amidst the pretty girls, the great juggler (Michael Davis whom I spoke to via email recently), the classic comics (Milton Frome and Mickey Deems--familiar to me from TV--among them) and the old, old jokes, at one point the cast threw Sugar Babies candy out into the audience. Since we had very good second row seats, Mickey just looked right at me and said, "Here ya go, kid" and then tossed it right to me underhanded. I ate them, but as you can see kept the wrapper as a souvenir.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Sunday, October 09, 2016
Friday, October 07, 2016
Tuesday, October 04, 2016
Fantastic Splash # 6
While the later teaming of the Sub-Mariner and Dr. Doom in SUPER-VILLAIN TEAM-UP never made a lick of sense to me except from a marketing viewpoint, this early connection was perfectly logical as it immediately followed their individual encounters with our still new heroes. A lovely opener above although it's clear Kirby hasn't quite achieved what he wants with the Human Torch. Note the signatures still appearing as in the monster mags and inker Ayers slipping his in bottom right.
I've never heard an explanation as to why Prince Namor had orange trunks in this outing. Wish I had thought to ask colorist Stan G. when I interviewed him years later. Still, a truly beautiful splash.
Yes, the story was goofy as all get out with SPAAAACE! But exciting as heck if you discovered it at the right age! It was oddly later remade as part of the SUB-MARINER TV cartoon series without the FF, even though excerpts from the FF's wedding story (where this was reprinted) were added on including the first ever animated appearance of the X-Men!
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