Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Spencer Milligan, R.I.P.

Longtime readers will remember that ten years back, I collaborated with former child star Kathy Coleman, from LAND OF THE LOST, on her autobiography, LOST GIRL (later revised and re-issued as RUN, HOLLY, RUN). As we were working on the book, she and I spoke several times a week for a year or so, and Spencer Milligan's name came up far more than the parts that made it into the book. She had such great stories. Raised without a father, herself, her TV family became real family to her. She and her TV sibling Wesley are like a genuine brother and sister these days. Phil Paley, too! 

But Spencer Milligan was the father figure she needed, and she was thrown for a loop when he left after the second season. Kathy and Wesley managed to convince him to attend what proved to be his one and only convention in 2018 and she even got him to sign a LANDOF THE LOST poster she later sent me.

Spencer died in April of this year and the news is just now coming out. R.I.P. 


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