Saturday, August 31, 2019

Milt Gross at Marvel-1947

From an issue of Martin Goodman's MISS AMERICA MAGAZINE.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Ghost and Mrs. Muir Meet Barnabas Collins

Couldn't find any photos from it but here we have info on the ABC Saturday morning cartoon preview from this date in 1969, hosted by Hope Lange, Charles Nelson Reilly, and the cast of THE GHOST & MRS. MUIR (newly shifted that Fall from NBC) and guest-staring Jonathan Frid as Barnabas Collins! 

Monday, August 26, 2019

1950 Dick Tracy Ad

Wow! Back in the day, the syndicates and the newspapers went all out to promote comic strips! And, since there were no reruns or collections at that time, hey must have assumed the readers had been with them all along and had long memories! Here's a giant DICK TRACY ad that took up one whole side of a page of THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER in 1950.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Great Dayton Daily News Bird-Gray Morrow-1970

One of my most interesting discoveries during this blog's 2018 hiatus was the Great Dayton Daily News Bird, a mascot/superhero/promo character co-created by the great sci-fi illustrator and comic book artist Gray Morrow! Talk about obscure!

Not sure if Gray drew Charlie Brown or Dear Abby below but my guess is yes.

There was even cosplay!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Woodstock at 50

We look back at Woodstock today and see a defining cultural moment. For the most part, we have the movie, released a year later, to thank for that. At the time it was happening, the news coverage concentrated more on the crowd, the drugs, the mud, and the general bad scene of it all. 

Here we see a selection of news photos of the day, along with some headlines and a couple of articles.